Chapter Review– Cisco Application Transport

Application services differ from network services in several key ways, including • Network services provide generic transport mechanisms useable by any application. • Application services provide specific transport services optimized for a specific application or purpose. • Network services run on top of IP, which abstracts different kinds of physical transport. • Application services run […]

Chapter Review– Cisco Local Area Networks

Wide area networks, whether running under the ocean, across poles, or buried underground, are crucial to building everything from the global Internet to large-scale corporate networks. Operators who build network-spanning large geographic regions face some unique challenges in right-of-way and managing the physical plant. Two kinds of providers build these long-haul, or wide area, networks: […]

Metro and Last-Mile Network Design– Cisco Local Area Networks

Metropolitan area networks (MANs) and last-mile delivery—or access—networks are often designed using rings, as shown in Figure 12-5. Figure 12-5 Common Last-Mile Technologies Access networks connect end users—organizations and individual users—to the global Internet. Figure 12-5 shows • A fixed wireless access (FWA) last mile. Connectivity to the towers or transmitters supporting individual homes is […]

Common Challenges to Building Wide Area Networks– Cisco Local Area Networks

Two of the primary challenges to building and operating a large network are crossing the legal boundaries to laying and access cable runs across personal and public property, called right-of- way, and the challenges of physically laying and managing long- distance cables. Each is considered in the following sections. Right-of-Way A story passes around the […]

Chapter Review– Cisco Local Area Networks

Local area networks, from offices to buildings to homes, are one of the three major classes or types of networks you will encounter in the real world. If you decide to build a career in network engineering, you will probably start by working in an environment with a LAN. Because LANs are almost universal, you […]

Advanced Options – Cisco Local Area Networks

Choosing the Advanced option displays the screen shown in Figure 11-10. Figure 11-10 The Advanced Settings Screen for a Home Use Router The Operation Mode allows you to set the device to either act as only a Wi-Fi access point—sometimes called bridge mode—or as a router and Wi-Fi AP. Choose bridge mode if you have […]